Posted In Pictures Tell a Story

This Amazing Old Photograph of 14th St. and Pennsylvania Ave. Will Blow Your Mind
This amazing old photograph of the intersection of 14th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., where the Willard Hotel sits, has some amazing details. Click to see them and be blown away!
1610 14th St. NW
Exploring the Streets of DC in 1920: 1610 14th St. NW
Take a journey back in time to explore DC's 1610 14th St. NW in 1920! See what's changed and stay the same with Ghibellina, Rice and Pearl Dive. Zoom in on the details and see the amazing graffiti and a mysterious hose coming out of the ground!
early 1900s view of 11th and Pennsylvania
1900s Frozen in Time at 14th and Pennsylvania Avenue
This incredibly detailed photo of Pennsylvania tells a story when you zoom in. Read the post to learn more.
Shoomaker's and Globe Restaurant Company
Exploring a Photo of DC's 1300 Block of E Street NW in 1917

Explore a 1917 photo of the 1300 block of E Street NW in Washington, DC. Learn about the stores, people, and signs in the photo and hear a recording of Claudia Muzio.
1857 Inauguration
Rare Photograph of James Buchanan's Inauguration at the East Front of the Capitol Building
Check out this rare photo of James Buchanan's Inauguration at the East Front of the Capitol Building on March 4th, 1857. It's a little blurry and not the highest resolution, but amazing nevertheless. Click on the top image and find out what you see.
soldiers rolling through Washington on trucks
Pictures Tell a Story: Exploring a 1918 Photo of WWI Soldiers in DC
Explore a 1918 photo of World War I soldiers motoring through Washington, DC with pictures. Look at the soldiers, woman, bucket, and more to see what stories can be found in the photo.
map around the National Mall
1872 Street Paving Map of Washington
What were the roads of Washington like in 1872? This great map shows the different paving surfaces throughout the city, including wood, stone and concrete.
Connecticut Avenue in 1904
Exploring an Old Photo of Connecticut Avenue in 1904
Take a look at this old photo of Connecticut Avenue in 1904 and explore the people, places, and things that make up this historic image. See a larger version and add your comments below.
Ford's Theatre
Pictures Tell a Story: Exploring an Old Photograph of Ford's Theatre
Explore an old photograph of Ford's Theatre with us in the new "Pictures Tell a Story" series. We've dug up some fascinating facts about the people and buildings in the photo, including a prosthetic legs store and Georgetown College.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.