Posted In From GoDCers

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A GoDCer's Fascinating Family History Involving Abraham Lincoln
A GoDCer shares an interesting story about their family history, which is connected to Abraham Lincoln. Read about the long search for a newspaper article and the fascinating connection to the 16th President.
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Compare and Contrast: 1940s Aerial Photo of Washington and Google Map
GoDCer Chris graciously shared an aerial photo of Washington from the 1940s. Compare and contrast it to the Google Map for a fascinating look into the past.
Fisks' burial cases - 1853
Uncovering a Fascinating Old Advertisement Sent in by a GoDCer
Discover a fascinating old advertisement sent in by a GoDCer. Nancy sent in an old ad for her great-great grandfather's business. See the ad and learn more about its history.
Capitol Building after an epic snowstorm
A Rare Picture of the US Capitol Building from the 1920s
Check out this rare photo of the US Capitol Building from the 1920s! Thanks to GoDCer Mollie for sending this in. It's an amazing look at the Capitol during that time.
Town Marshall, Charles Collins, ticketing a car along Conduit Road (MacArthur Boulevard). Note the 12MPH limit. ca. 1907
The Consequences of the Glen Echo Speed Limit: A Letter from a GoDCer
Read a letter from a GoDCer about the amusing consequences of the six-mile-per-hour speed limit in Glen Echo, Maryland in 1907. The story even precipitated an international incident!
Washington Post obituaries - January 4th, 1933
Remembering Raymond B. Sprinkle – The Son of Officer Sprinkle
Remembering Raymond B. Sprinkle, the beloved son of Police Officer Sprinkle. His obituary was recently shared by long-time GoDCer John. Read about the mass & interment with military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.
1950s Washington
Exploring the Cost of Living in DC from the 1950s to Now
GoDCer Jamie sent in a request to look into the cost-of-living in DC over time and how it has changed since the 1950s. Read our article to find out how much a pound of pork cost in 1952 and compare it to today's prices!
Washington branch office of Ford - current location of the Canadian Embassy
A Glimpse of Washington DC in 1916 Through the Ford Motor Company's Archives
Take a glimpse into Washington DC in 1916 with these stunning images from the Ford Motor Company's archives! See the Ford building under construction and the location of the current Canadian Embassy.
Clark Griffith in 1912
A Look at Clark Griffith's Ridiculously Awesome Checkered Coat from 1912
Thanks to GoDCer Ben for sending in this great photo of Clark Griffith in 1912. Look at the ridiculously awesome checkered coat he's wearing. Check out the photo and learn more at!
The Museum. Birth-place. 18th + K Sts, N.W. 1879-1882. Bound in a copy of "Catalogue of The Exhibits in the Museum of Hygiene. Medical Department of the United States Navy." Compiled by Philip S. Wales, Medical Director, U.S.N. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1893.
A Look at Fascinating Old History of the Naval Museum
GoDCer, and avid history buff, Mike sent over these great images the other week. Take a look and see how great they are. Fascinating old history of the Naval Museum. See the rare photographs of the US Navy Museum on GoDC.

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Ghosts of DC stories.