Take a step back in time to the Petroleum Age of 1921 with this photo of the old Dome Gas Service Station in Takoma. Learn more about its location and the railroad tracks in the background at GhostsofDC.org!
Take a look at the tragic history of Falkland, Montgomery Blair's home, which was burned by Confederate troops or camp followers on July 12th, 1864. Read more on our post about how Silver Spring got its name.
We dug up this photo on Shorpy and it shows a truck loaded down with 10,000 bottles of Whistle, orange soda. We're trying to make out the building numbers behind it, but no luck. Can you help us uncover this mystery?
Relive the historic moment when Charles Lindbergh gave a speech at the Washington Monument in 1927. Read the Washington Post article from June 12th, 1927 and see photos of the event.
Take a look back in time at the construction of the Hart Senate Office Building in 1979, as discovered on the U.S. Capitol's Flickr page. Learn about this piece of U.S. history and view the photo of the building in progress.
Can you identify the location of this U.S. mail car photo taken in 1900? Learn more about the Capital Traction Company and their mail car as we explore the history of this photo and an old film of a mail streetcar heading down Pennsylvania Ave. NW.
An incredible colorized photo of the Unknown Soldier being taken to Arlington National Cemetery. See the colorized version and learn more about the Unknown Soldier’s journey with this blog post.
Do you have ties to Catholic University? Take a peek at this old photo of Albert Hall, courtesy of the Library of Congress. Get a glimpse into the past!
Take a look at this amazing photograph of H Street in Washington, DC after the 1968 riots. See if you can make out where this is on H Street and explore the aftermath of the riots.
Take a step back in time to 1908 with this Shorpy photo of Potomac Park, featuring two cars and a horse and buggy. See what life looked like over 100 years ago!