Exploring the Elegant Dulles Airport of the 1960s

Take a trip back in time to the elegant and romantic Dulles Airport of the 1960s. Explore the mobile lounges and control tower in photos taken by Balthazar Korab.

Dulles Airport has an almost Mad Men like romanticism, even though these mobile lounges were a giant pain in the ass. The photo below is another angle in black and white of this photo we posted a long time ago.

A more complete view of the "mobile lounge" whose gangway was seen here yesterday. "Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, Virginia, 1958-63. Eero Saarinen, architect. Mobile lounges." Photo by Balthazar Korab.
A more complete view of the “mobile lounge” whose gangway was seen here yesterday. “Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, Virginia, 1958-63. Eero Saarinen, architect. Mobile lounges.” Photo by Balthazar Korab.

Source: Shorpy

Here’s another beautiful shot of the airport.

"Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, Virginia, 1958-63. Eero Saarinen, architect. Mobile lounge, control tower and terminal." All we need now is an airplane. Medium format negative by Balthazar Korab.
“Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, Virginia, 1958-63. Eero Saarinen, architect. Mobile lounge, control tower and terminal.” All we need now is an airplane. Medium format negative by Balthazar Korab.

Source: Shorpy

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