Never Built: Proposed University on the National Mall in 1816

Early in the 19th century, there was a proposal to build a national university at the west end of the Mall, where the Lincoln Memorial now sits.

So this obviously never happened, but it’s a fascinating proposal for the National Mall, done in 1816.

Plan of the west end of the public appropriation in the city of Washington, called the Mall : as proposed to be arranged for the site of the university / to the Committee of the H. of R. of Congress, BHLatrobe, Surveyor of the City of Washington, Jan'y 1816.
Plan of the west end of the public appropriation in the city of Washington, called the Mall : as proposed to be arranged for the site of the university / to the Committee of the H. of R. of Congress, BHLatrobe, Surveyor of the City of Washington, Jan’y 1816.

Source: Library of Congress

Can you imagine a university sitting where the Lincoln Memorial does today?

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Ghosts of DC stories.