How D.C. Reported on the Last Thanksgivukkah in 1888

In 1888, mainstream coverage of Thanksgivukkah (the convergence of Hanukkah and Thanksgiving) was minimal. Learn what the Washington Post and National Tribune reported on this rare calendar quirk 125 years ago.

Hanukkah and Thanksgiving rarely overlap.  Among its 22 articles covering 2013’s “Thanksgivukkah” holiday mashup, the Washington Post reports that the convergence of turkey and latkes won’t occur again for 77,798 years.

How did D.C. media report on this calendar quirk the last time it happened — 125 years ago?

In 1888, mainstream coverage of Thanksgivukkah was minimal.  We found only 2 mentions.  The Post called the day, “The Hebrews’ Thanksgiving,” and noted that Hanukkah services were canceled at one local synagogue due to a typhoid fever patient holed up in the basement.  Here’s their brief piece:

The Hebrew's Thanksgiving, 1888 - The Washington Post
Washington Post, 11/26/1888

And here’s a mention from The National Tribune, passing along a message of peace from the Hebrew Standard. (Actually published a few days after Hanukkah, but who’s keeping track?):

National Tribune, 12/13/1888
National Tribune, 12/13/1888

However you choose to celebrate Thanksgivukkah 2013, we hope you avoid typhoid fever!