This is an amusing little piece that we dug up in the Baltimore Sun from April 7th, 1906. Ever complain about the speed limits in the city today? Take a look at what they were like over a hundred years ago.
Washington, April 6.–The Senate Committee on the District of Columbia today reported favorably a bill providing for the punishment of violations of the speed laws relating to automobiles. It limits the speed to 12 miles an hour within the city limits of Washington and 20 miles outside the limits.
For the first offense a fine of from $5 to $50 is provided; for the second offense a fine of from $10 to $100, with discretionary imprisonment; for the third offense, within one year, the fine prescribed is from $50 to $250, and it is made mandatory upon the court to sentence the offender to serve from one to six months in the workhouse.
Um … 12 miles per hour! My Capital Bikeshare hits that (going down hill).