Relaxing and Watching Planes Take Off at Gravelly Point in National Airport

Spend your weekends relaxing and watching planes take off at Gravelly Point in National Airport. Get a glimpse at the beauty of a jet taking off with a shot of four women watching.

How many times have you been down to Gravelly Point? It’s definitely one of the best spots to relax on weekends and watch the planes land or takeoff from National Airport. Here’s a shot of four women watching, what looks like, an Eastern Airlines jet take off from National, heading north.

One Of The Bicyclists Holds Her Ears Against The Roar Of The Jet, Taking Off From National Airport, May 1973
One Of The Bicyclists Holds Her Ears Against The Roar Of The Jet, Taking Off From National Airport, May 1973

Source: Flickr user usnationalarchives

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