Photos from 1919 Showing the Old Service Station at 19th and L St.

Take a journey back in time to 1919 with these two incredible photos of the old service station at 19th and L St. See what the service station looked like and read a sign from the time!

Here are two excellent photos from 1919 depicting the old service station (no longer there, of course) at 19th and L St.

Washington, D.C., circa 1919. "Washington Battery Co., L Street." We saw the garage earlier in this post. National Photo Co. glass negative.
Washington, D.C., circa 1919. “Washington Battery Co., L Street.” We saw the garage earlier in this post. National Photo Co. glass negative.
District of Columbia, 1919. Willard Service Station, Washington Battery Co., 1623 L Street. The sign: "We respectfully request customers to refrain from talking to workmen. Any information desired will be cheerfully given out by floor superintendent." National Photo Company glass negative.
District of Columbia, 1919. Willard Service Station, Washington Battery Co., 1623 L Street. The sign: “We respectfully request customers to refrain from talking to workmen. Any information desired will be cheerfully given out by floor superintendent.” National Photo Company glass negative.

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