A Photo of Jean Wallace, Daughter of Henry Wallace and Future FDR Vice President

A photo of Jean Wallace, the daughter of Henry Wallace, who was FDR's Vice President before he was replaced with Harry Truman. Taken in 1937, when Wallace was Secretary of Agriculture. Find out more about the fascinating history of FDR and his Vice Presidents.

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Anyway, this is a photo of Jean Wallace, the daughter of Henry Wallace, who was FDR‘s Vice President before he was dumped for Harry Truman. This was taken in 1937, when Wallace was still Secretary of Agriculture. FDR still had his first of three veeps then, John Nance Garner.

Washington, D.C., circa 1937. "Jean Wallace." The daughter of Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture and future Vice President, at the Wardman Park Hotel pool.
Washington, D.C., circa 1937. “Jean Wallace.” The daughter of Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture and future Vice President, at the Wardman Park Hotel pool.

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