The Unseen Dangers of Renting a Home: Examining a 1935 Photograph

Take a closer look at this 1935 photograph from the Library of Congress and explore the unseen dangers of renting a home. This photo captures the struggles of people looking for a place to stay during a crowded and difficult time.

The caption on this photo states that the home was for rent. It’s unclear where this building is, but it looks like a pretty crappy place to live. I’m also pretty sure this building no longer exists.

One of few available houses for rent. Washington, D.C. One of the few available houses for rent under the crowded conditions. A study of the structure, however, will explain why there is no one now living in it
One of few available houses for rent. Washington, D.C. One of the few available houses for rent under the crowded conditions. A study of the structure, however, will explain why there is no one now living in it

This photograph was taken by Carl Mydans in 1935 and I dug it up at the Library of Congress.