The Wonder Years: A Look at the Home the Arnold’s Would Have Purchased in Woodbridge Estates

Take a look at the kind of home the Arnold's would have purchased if they lived in our area. This is a cool one from Virginia, right out of the Wonder Years era. See the Woodbridge Estates real estate advertisement from December 7th, 1952.

This is a cool one from Virginia, right out of the Wonder Years era. That’s right, Kevin Arnold … well, actually, Kevin was born on March 18th, 1956 (thanks Wikipedia!). Nevertheless, this is the kind of home the Arnold’s would have purchased, if they lived in our area. Either this, or something in Falls Church.

Woodbridge Estates real estate advertisement - December 7th, 1952
Woodbridge Estates real estate advertisement – December 7th, 1952

The Wonder Years … great show? … or greatest show ever?