Posted In Washington Herald

Maddie the Motor Maid
One Hundred Years Ago Today: What Was in the Washington Herald?
Take a look back 100 years to the Washington Herald and find out what was happening in the world at the time. See the original article and photos from the newspaper.
Buffalo Paints - Washington Herald (February 5th, 1922)
The D.C. Hardware Stores Selling Buffalo Paints in 1922
This page from the Washington Herald, published on February 5th, 1922, shows a number of hardware stores selling Buffalo Paints in the D.C. area. Learn more about this historic advertisement and its significance today.
Christian Heurich home brew beer
The Washington Herald's Advertisement for Christian Heurich Home Brew Beer on Saturday, February 7th, 1914
This advertisement from the Washington Herald on February 7th, 1914 is for Christian Heurich Home Brew Beer. It was the perfect way to kick off the weekend!
The Washington Herald on January 17th, 1913
Exploring the History of Inaugural Balls, 100 Years Ago Today
Learn about the history of Inaugural Balls, 100 years ago with a look at the front page of the Washington Herald on Friday, January 17th, 1913. Discover the austerity of Obama's second term mirrored in the desires articulated by newly elected President Woodrow Wilson.
Screenshot 2012-11-18 at 11.43
Understanding the History Behind "From a Little Acorn - A Sturdy Oak Did Grow
Take a step back in time and explore the history behind the Washington Herald's headline from November 29th, 1906: "From a Little Acorn - A Sturdy Oak Did Grow." Learn more about the story behind this memorable front page.
The Washington Herald - December 20th, 1920
A Look Back at The Washington Herald from December 20th, 1920: The "Merchant of Venice" and a Mardi Gras-themed Inaugural Ball
Take a look back to December 20th, 1920 with this page from The Washington Herald. Learn about the "Merchant of Venice" performed by Gonzaga students and the Mardi Gras-themed inaugural ball for Warren G. Harding.
Thomas J. Fisher & Co., Inc. advertisement - April 9th, 1911 (Washington Herald)
What $500 Down Payment in 1911 Chevy Chase Would Be Worth Today
Ever wonder what a $500 down payment in 1911 Chevy Chase would be worth today? Find out in this blog post, and learn why Chevy Chase ain't cheap!
Catholic University advertisement in the Washington Herald (1910)
Exploring the Cost of Tuition at Catholic University in 1910
Explore the cost of tuition at Catholic University in 1910 - you won't believe it was only $75 per year! See related articles and learn more about D.C.'s forgotten history.
Bass Ale advertisement in the Washington Herald - December 24th, 1911
A Look Back at Bass Ale in Washington, DC in 1911
A look back to 1911 when Bass Ale was available in Washington, DC. Learn about the Christmas Eve 1911 ad and see what beer is available now!
Fairlawn real estate advertisement from the Washington Herald - July 22nd, 1911
Exploring the Racist Real Estate Ad from 1911 for Fairlawn in Anacostia
This blog post explores a real estate advertisement from 1911 for Fairlawn in Anacostia, DC. It provides a harsh window into a very different and blatantly racist time in Washington. Read to learn more about this area's history.

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Ghosts of DC stories.