Posted In The Capitol Building

Washington, D.C., July 11, 1939. There comes a time each year when things around Capitol Hill need a bit of fresh paint, flagpoles no exception. Here is the flagpole over the Senate Office Building getting its new paint job, curiously enough, from a steeple-jack named Tarzan--Jack Tarzan
The Man Painting the Flagpole at the Capitol Building on July 11, 1939 - Jack Tarzan
This is an interesting photo of a man precariously perched on a flag pole near the Capitol Building. It was taken on July 11th, 1939 as the man (Jack Tarzan) was painting the flagpole. The safety equipment of the day looks a little weak. Here's the story of Jack Tarzan and his painting job at the Capitol Building.
view of the Capitol Building in 1888
A Stunning 1888 Photograph of the Capitol Building from the Old Post Office on F Street
Take a look at this stunning photo of the Capitol Building from 1888, taken from the old post office on F Street (now Hotel Monaco). This incredible image was taken by William M. Chase.
Photograph shows Carroll Row, a block of five houses at 1st & A Street, SE, razed in 1887 for construction of the Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building. Includes the sign "Architect."
A Look Back in Time: East Capitol Street from the Dome, 1880 and Today
Take a look back in time with us at East Capitol Street from the Dome, with a photo taken in 1880 and a modern update. Check it out!
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Digging Deeper into the Red Capitol Dome Photo
Yesterday Tom shared a somewhat jarring photo of the Capitol dome -- colored red. After a bit of digging, we now know that the Capitol's re-painting (and temporary red coloring) happened in April 1960. Read more about this photo and a shiny red Metro train unexpectedly painted red!
Capitol Dome
A Closer Look at the Red-Colored Dome of the Capitol Building in the 1950s
Take a closer look at the red-colored dome of the Capitol Building in the 1950s. We came across this photo thanks to a Twitter exchange between @darsal and @MrTinDC. Check out the photo and learn more about the history of the Capitol.
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Amazing View From Capitol Dome in 1863
What a stunning historical view of the nation's capital during the Civil War. Don't miss this one.
view southeast from the U.S. Capitol
An Amazing Photograph of the View Southeast from the U.S. Capitol in 1880
Take a look at this amazing photograph taken around 1880 from the top of the U.S. Capitol, showing the view southeast toward the Anacostia River. Includes a block of five homes at 1st and A St. SE built around 1800 and razed in 1887 to build the Library of Congress.
Drawing shows stables in the foreground and view of the city of Washington from southeast with the United States Capitol on the right, the White House in center background, and the Smithsonian castle and Washington Monument on the left.
A Rare Look at Washington from the Late 1840s or 1850s by Augustus Köllner
A rare painting of Washington from the late 1840s or 1850s, done by Augustus Köllner, has been uncovered. The view is from an angle south of the Capitol, looking northwest. See the beautiful watercolor painting at the Library of Congress.
Washington, D.C. Sailor taking a picture of his girlfriend at a monument in front of the Capitol on a Sunday afternoon
The Mystery of the Photo: Was this WWII Couple Staging a Picture for the War Effort?
Take a look at this WWII photo of a couple visiting the Capitol. Could this romantic image have been staged for the war effort? Explore the mystery of this photo and the soldiers milling about in the background.
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Unbelievable Photo of the Capitol Building from 1905-1915
This incredible photo of the Capitol Building was taken between 1905 and 1915, part of the Detroit Publishing Company collection at the Library of Congress. See the amazing image and discover the history behind it!

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Ghosts of DC stories.