Take a trip back in time with this rare painting of the Capitol Building from the early 19th century. Get a glimpse of the Capitol as it looked more than 200 years ago. Source: Library of Congress.
Take a look at this cool photo taken on August 26th, 1922, when a gentleman was hanging from the top of the Capitol to paint it. Source: Library of Congress.
Take a look back in time with this incredible photo of the Capitol Building in 1924. See the amazing architecture and get a glimpse into the past with this amazing photo!
Relive the red Capitol Dome with this amazing view! Learn about the repairs and restoration effort done in the late 1950s and the significance behind the color red. Read more about it here!
Learn about the attempted murder of J.P. Morgan in July 1915 and its connection to a bomb that exploded in the Senate Reception Room. Discover the backstory of J.P. Morgan in 1919 and its role in US foreign relations in Paris.
Explore the photo of Abraham Lincoln delivering his second inaugural address and the original document. Learn about the confrontation between Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth that may have saved Lincoln's life.
Take a look at the 1861 view from the Capitol roof! This post looks at the sites visible from Washington, DC in 1861, including the ghostly, blurred waving American flag in the center. Source: Library of Congress.
Come take a look at this incredible black and white photograph of the Capitol. We hadn't come across it before and it's certainly stunning. Source: Shorpy.
Take a look at an early drawing of the Capitol from the time of its completion. Source: Library of Congress. Learn more about the history of this iconic building!