Posted In Martin Van Buren

Brown's Indian Queen Hotel
The Fascinating History of Brown's Indian Queen Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue
Explore the fascinating history of Brown's Indian Queen Hotel, a once-stately hotel on Pennsylvania Ave. in D.C. Learn about the hotel's notable guests, historic events and the "Star-Spangled Banner" first sung there in 1814.
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Life in Washington City in the 1830s: An Interesting Piece from the Baltimore Sun Correspondent
In the 1830s, the Baltimore Sun was a prominent paper covering the daily happenings of life in Washington City. We came across an interesting piece from the Baltimore Sun correspondent in Washington, both a colorful description of life in the city, as well as a rather amusing observation.
William Stickney residence in the 1870s. William leading against building (source:
Exploring the Stickney House: A Look Back at a Lost D.C. Gem
Take a look back at the Stickney House, a lost D.C. gem. Read about William Stickney, the prominent Washington figure who commissioned the home, the people who lived there and its tragic demise.

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