Posted In Columbia Heights

1904 Columbia Heights Real Estate Ad
What was real estate like in Columbia Heights back in 1904? Take a look at this lovely old advertisement.
Sherman's subdivision of Columbia Heights in 1869
Exploring Columbia Heights in 1869 with John Sherman's Subdivision
Take a look back in time and explore Columbia Heights in 1869 with John Sherman's Subdivision. This property map is full of interesting details, like old street names and the location of Pierce's Mill. Click to learn more!
Exploring the Origins of Columbia Heights: A Look at an 1885 Map
Discover the origins of Columbia Heights in this 1885 map. It shows what would become the northern part of Columbia Heights and points to the street name changes that took place. Click through to view the full-sized map!
Advertisement for 1201 Clifton St. NW
A Look Back: An Old Advertisement for 1201 Clifton St. NW in Columbia Heights, 1910
Take a look back in time with this old advertisement for 1201 Clifton St. NW in Columbia Heights from 1910. See the original ad and the street view today.
14th St. in Columbia Heights
What Did Columbia Heights Look Like After the 1968 Riots?
A series of tragic photos showing Columbia Heights after the 1968 Washington, DC riots.
Columbia Heights homes
Uncovering the Mystery of Homes Advertised in 1912 in The Evening Star
Take a look back in time to uncover the mystery of homes advertised in The Evening Star in 1912. See the Google Street View to find out what these homes look like today.
1921 ad for Columbia Heights homes
A Look Back at 1921 Real Estate Prices in Columbia Heights
Real estate prices in Columbia Heights have changed drastically since 1921. Take a look back at the prices and see just how much they have changed using the consumer price index and an online calculator.
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Exploring 1887 Mt. Pleasant and Columbia Heights on an Incredible Old Map
Explore an incredible old map from 1887 of Mt. Pleasant and Columbia Heights. See old street names and the Columbia College Subdivision. Click through to see greater details.
Columbia Heights
The Rise and Fall of Herbert Haft's Columbia Heights Development Agreement
Discover the story of Herbert Haft's Columbia Heights development agreement, which was canceled after 15 years of litigation and very little construction. Learn how the area has been transformed since then.
northeast corner of 14th and Irving St. NW
Exploring the Transformation of Columbia Heights Through Photos From 1918-1922
Explore the transformation of Columbia Heights through photos from 1918-1922. See how the northeast corner of 14th and Irving St. NW looks today compared to the past. Get a glimpse of the area with photos from the Library of Congress and Google Street View.

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