Posted In bicycles

the new auto-bike advertisement
An Interesting Advertisement from the Washington Times, November 6th, 1913
Check out this vintage advertisement from the Washington Times on November 6th, 1913, featuring the new auto-bike! See the original source, plus an interesting glimpse into the past.
Washington, D.C., 1921. "Times boy and bicycle." Winner of a Mead Ranger bike by virtue of selling 30 newspaper subscriptions. The Ranger contest was a promotion of various papers from about 1917 to 1923. National Photo Co. Collection.
The Times Boy and His Bicycle: Why Does He Look So Pissed?
A photo of a boy in Washington, D.C., 1921. He won a Mead Ranger bike by selling 30 newspaper subscriptions. The Ranger contest was a promotion of various papers from 1917-1923. Why does he look so pissed?
February 7, 1925. Washington, D.C. "Mildred Billert and Hazel Bowman of Ned Wayburn's Revue." National Photo Company glass negative. (Shorpy)
A Curious Old Photograph from 1925: Mildred Billert and Hazel Bowman of Ned Wayburn's Revue
Explore a curious old photograph from 1925 featuring Mildred Billert and Hazel Bowman, both of Ned Wayburn's Revue, a vaudeville show. Learn about the unique features of the bikes the women are riding and the swastika tread on the bike on the left.
Smartly dressed couple seated on an 1886-model bicycle for two. The South Portico of the White House, Washington, D.C., in the background. 77-RP-7347-4. (National Archives)
Well-Dressed Couple Riding an 1886-Model Bicycle South of the White House
Take a look at this amazing photo found in the National Archives. This smartly-dressed couple is riding an 1886-Model bicycle just south of the White House in Washington, D.C.
Rambler Bicycles advertisement in the Washington Times - July 31st, 1895
Exploring Biking in the District: WABA, Capital Bikeshare, and a Rambler Bicycles Ad from 1895
Take a look back at bicycling in DC with a vintage 1895 Rambler Bicycles ad, and see how far biking in the district has come with Capital Bikeshare and WABA.

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