Posted In Adams Morgan

Ghostly woman in a black gown with a black veil
The Tragic History of a Potentially Haunted Home in Adams Morgan
A peek into the tragic history of a purportedly haunted home in Adams Morgan: could the tormented spirits of the Walter family, who suffered immense loss and grief, still be lingering within its walls?
advertisement for homes in 1907
Check Out This 1907 Advertisement for Homes in Adams Morgan and Mt. Pleasant
Take a step back in time and check out this advertisement for homes in Adams Morgan and Mt. Pleasant from December 7th, 1907. Printed in The Evening Star, this is so cool!
Why Is It Named Adams Morgan?
The name Adams Morgan is from the names of two formerly segregated area elementary schools—the older, all-black Thomas P. Morgan Elementary School and the all-white John Quincy Adams Elementary School, which merged in 1955 following desegregation.
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Ad for Row Houses on Euclid Street in 1907
These homes on Euclid Street were some of the first in Washington designed by a woman. Check our the ads from 1907.
Adams Morgan: How This Uptown DC Neighborhood Got Its Name
Adams Morgan didn't exist in 1888. Read this story to learn the history of how it came to be known as Adams Morgan. We also have a great map showing Adams Morgan when it was very rural.
Capital Transit demonstration run of a Twin Coach articulated bus (a model they did not end up using), April 3, 1948. This turnaround is still used by buses today [photo by Robert S. Crockett].
A Look Back at the Bus Turnaround in Adams Morgan - Then and Now
Take a look back at the bus turnaround in Adams Morgan, DC - then and now. See the old photo of the bus turnaround and how it looks today, minus the Toddle House in the background which is now Mama Ayesha's.
The Fascinating Story of a Prohibition Raid Gone Wrong in Adams Morgan
Discover the amazing, true story of a Prohibition raid gone wrong in Adams Morgan in 1928. Read about the raid and subsequent legal problems for the proprietors, the trial, and the bizarre disappearance of a jury member!
Exterior of the Knickerbocker on opening day, 1917
The Tragic Story of the Knickerbocker Storm: A DC Blizzard that Led to 98 Deaths in 1922
The Knickerbocker Storm of 1922 was a historic DC blizzard that led to the tragic deaths of 98 people in the historic Knickerbocker Theater. Learn the story of the storm, its aftermath, and its legacy today.
View of a group of hikers walking alongside Rock Creek to the left and an embankment that leads up to the right upon which can be seen a row of buildings. Location is to the west and downhill from the 2800 block of Adams Mill Road NW.
Exploring the National Zoo's Historical Entrance at Rock Creek Park
Take a journey through history with us and explore the historical entrance to the National Zoo in Rock Creek Park. Learn more about the area and its past with us today.
Back in 1892: What Adams Morgan Looked Like Before the Jumbo Slices
Take a look back in time to 1892 and see what Adams Morgan looked like before the jumbo slices. Explore a topographic map from the Library of Congress showing the area with no 18th St. and 16th St. and a much more rural landscape.

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Ghosts of DC stories.