Posted In 1910s

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Real Estate Ads From 1919: Get a Nice Home Near Lincoln Park for $7,300!
Explore a real estate ad from 1919 near Lincoln Park! Pull together $7,300 and you can have a nice home in this beautiful area. Check out the advertisement and get inspired by history!
Washington, D.C., circa 1918. "Old house, Mass. Ave. N.E. Built by Thomas Taylor in 1876."
The Incredible Photograph of Thomas Taylor's Home and a Brief Biography
Take a look at this incredible photograph of Thomas Taylor's home and a brief biography of the prominent scientist who lived in Washington for nearly half a century. Click to examine the photo in detail and explore the man in the right corner.
Washington, D.C. "Skating night, 1919." National Photo Co.
Exploring the Eery Photograph from Washington D.C in 1919
Take a look back in time at this eery photograph from Washington D.C in 1919. Learn more about the photograph and explore the history of this moment in time.
Washington Post sponsored "bulletin board" for the 1912 Boston AL vs. New York NL World Series. (Library of Congress)
GoDCer Ben Sends Along a Great Photo of the 1912 Washington Post Baseball Scoreboard
GoDCer Ben sent along a great photo of the Washington Post baseball scoreboard from 1912, the same year the Titanic sank. It's remarkable how this low-tech scoreboard resembles our current day ESPN Gameday and
Old Post Office Pavilion in 1915
Old Post Office Pavilion: Donald Trump's Newest Property. Hope He Doesn't F*ck it Up!
Donald Trump's newest property is the beautiful Old Post Office Pavilion. Let's hope the businessman doesn't ruin the historic building and make it ridiculously ostentatious!
Walter Reed wreck
The Walter Reed Streetcar Wreck of October 13th, 1919
On October 13th, 1919, an out-of-control streetcar crashed into a military truck near Walter Reed, instantly killing one passenger and injuring 18 others. Learn more about this tragic accident and the Baltimore Sun's special report the following day.
Sidney Lust's Leader Theater Girls in 1919
Sidney Lust and His Leader Theater: Where the Girls Were (NSFW)
Get the story behind Sidney Lust's Leader Theater of the early 20th century. Though highly inappropriate for puritanical Americans, this odd moment in time can't be missed. Enjoy this NSFW glimpse into the past!
Countess de la Rocca in 1914
Uncovering Stories: Countess de la Rocca – A Doyen of the Diplomatic Social Circle
Uncovering Stories: Countess de la Rocca was one of the most popular hostesses of the diplomatic circle in the early 1900s. Learn more about her role in the diplomatic social circle and what this tells us about our society today.
Washington, D.C., circa 1919. "Street scene, Pennsylvania Avenue." Here we see the tower of the Old Post Office as well as a number of vanished Washington landmarks including the Parker Bridget department store.
A Rare Glimpse Back in Time: Revisiting the Pennsylvania Avenue of 1909 and 1919
Take a rare glimpse back in time and explore Pennsylvania Avenue as it was in 1909 and 1919. See the differences and similarity and explore this amazing part of history!
Embassy of Kenya at 2249 R St. NW (Wikipedia)
Exploring the History of the Kenyan Embassy in Washington D.C.
From the former residence of California's Senator James Phelan to the Embassy of Sweden and then the Embassy of Kenya, explore the history of the Kenyan Embassy in Washington D.C. Learn about the royal visit, the accidental vandalism and the 40th anniversary celebration of the embassy.

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Ghosts of DC stories.