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Posted In Old Ads & Classifieds

budweiser advertisement - January 15th, 1906
A Look Back at a Full Page Budweiser Ad from January 15th, 1906
Take a look back at a full page Budweiser ad that ran in The Evening Star on January 15th, 1906. Learn more about the fascinating history of this iconic American brand.
Dog, Pets, Etc classified ads in the Evening Star
Uncovering the Mystery of a Former Pet Cemetery at 14th and V Street NW
Did you know there was once a pet cemetery at 14th and V Street NW? Check out this old ad from the Evening Star on July 16th, 1907 and see if you can uncover what happened to the pet cemetery and the ghosts that may still wander there at night.
homes on Kalorama Rd. in Washington Heights
A Look Back at Kalorama Rd. in 1902: An Old Ad from The Evening Star
Take a look back in time to an old ad from The Evening Star from December 13th, 1902. It shows a bunch of homes on Kalorama Rd. in what is now Adams Morgan, then called Washington Heights.
The Cairo in 1906
The Cairo: An Amazing Building to See in Washington, D.C.
The Cairo is one of the gems of Washington, D.C. and is an amazing building to see if you haven't had the chance to visit it. Here's a cool ad from 1906 for the building!
F.H. Smith apartments
Explore the 1911 Directory of Apartments and Rent in Washington D.C.
Take a look back in time and explore the 1911 Directory of Apartments and Rent in Washington D.C. See if you can find your building and learn about the area's history. Now available from the Library of Congress.
Butler Heights advertisement 1916
Uncovering the Lost History of Butler Heights, Washington DC
Discover the forgotten history of Butler Heights, Washington DC with this vintage advertisement from 1916. Learn more about the tiny Butler St. SE, close to Frederick Douglass' old home.
the new auto-bike advertisement
An Interesting Advertisement from the Washington Times, November 6th, 1913
Check out this vintage advertisement from the Washington Times on November 6th, 1913, featuring the new auto-bike! See the original source, plus an interesting glimpse into the past.
Columbia Heights homes for sale - 1911
A Sweet Deal in Columbia Heights: An Ad from 1911
Check out this awesome old advertisement from 1911 in Columbia Heights. It shows a row of homes on the east side of 14th St. NW, between Spring and Perry, and offers a sweet deal! Source: Library of Congress.
Washington Times pocket directory of apartments - 1914
Now This is Cool: Check Out the Washington Times Pocket Directory of Apartments from 1914
Take a look back in time and check out the Washington Times pocket directory of apartments from 1914. Some of the buildings are still around, so you can do your rent comparisons!
beautiful colonial estate in Alexandria - 102 S. Royal St.
A Look Back at the Estate at 107 South Royal St. in Alexandria
Take a look back at this beautiful estate located at 107 South Royal St. in Alexandria, Virginia, as it was in June 28th, 1913. See what it looks like today and help us locate this house if it still exists.

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Ghosts of DC stories.