In the winter of 1979, the United States was grappling with a series of challenges, including a sluggish economy, an oil crisis, and the ongoing hostage crisis in Iran. During this tumultuous time, Margaret Thatcher, the newly elected Prime Minister of Great Britain, visited Washington for the first time to meet with President Jimmy Carter.

Thatcher and Carter had a complex relationship. On the one hand, they shared similar views on many issues, such as the need for increased defense spending and the importance of promoting democracy and free markets. On the other hand, they had significant disagreements over foreign policy, particularly in regard to the Soviet Union and its role in global affairs.
Despite their differences, Thatcher’s visit to the White House was a significant moment in US-UK relations. In her speech, Thatcher emphasized the importance of the “special relationship” between the two countries, which she described as “a relationship of friendship and mutual support that has served us both well.” She also highlighted the shared values and historical ties that bind the two nations together.
Thatcher’s visit to the US in 1979 marked the beginning of a close and productive working relationship between the two leaders. Over the years, they would collaborate on a range of issues, including the promotion of economic and political freedom around the world. While their relationship was not without its challenges, Thatcher and Carter were able to find common ground on many issues and to work together to advance their shared goals.