Never-Built Ulysses Grant Memorial Bridge

This most incredible image shows what the Ulysses Grant Memorial Bridge would have liked like today. It would have been where the current Arlington Memorial Bridge is today.

This is what the Ulysses Grant Bridge would look like if it actually came to be. If you read our previous post on the topic, you’ll remember that in 1887, a bill was proposed in Congress to build the memorial bridge.

The proposed bill to Congess began as follows: “the desire of the people of the United States that a monument of imperishable material should be erected in honor of its greatest soldier of a design suitable to commemorate his distinguished services; and that the most appropriate design is a grand monumental bridge to connect Washington with the sacred grounds of Arlington, where fifteen thousand Union soldiers lie buried.”

It’s quite cool to see the unbuilt, 130 year-old bridge as it would look today. And, here is the old image we shared some time ago.

Bridge ("Memorial Bridge in honor of U.S. Grant"), Washington, D.C. and Arlington, Virginia. Perspective rendering & section
Bridge (“Memorial Bridge in honor of U.S. Grant”), Washington, D.C. and Arlington, Virginia. Perspective rendering & section

We have number of great stories covering unbuilt Washington. Check those out.

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Ghosts of DC stories.