A Look Back at the Bus Turnaround in Adams Morgan – Then and Now

Take a look back at the bus turnaround in Adams Morgan, DC - then and now. See the old photo of the bus turnaround and how it looks today, minus the Toddle House in the background which is now Mama Ayesha's.

Check out this old photo of the bus turnaround in Adams Morgan. It looks as it does today, minus the Toddle House in the background which is now Mama Ayesha’s.

Capital Transit demonstration run of a Twin Coach articulated bus (a model they did not end up using), April 3, 1948. This turnaround is still used by buses today [photo by Robert S. Crockett].
Capital Transit demonstration run of a Twin Coach articulated bus (a model they did not end up using), April 3, 1948. This turnaround is still used by buses today [photo by Robert S. Crockett].

Source: Flickr user rockcreek

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