Exploring the Transformation of Columbia Heights Through Photos From 1918-1922

Explore the transformation of Columbia Heights through photos from 1918-1922. See how the northeast corner of 14th and Irving St. NW looks today compared to the past. Get a glimpse of the area with photos from the Library of Congress and Google Street View.

How amazing is this photo? It’s from around 1918 to 1922.

You are looking from the southwest corner, where the Metro entrance is today, across the street towards the other Metro entrance and the BB&T bank. It’s incredible to see how different Columbia Heights was. It appears that none of these buildings survive today. Gude Bros. Co was located at 3103 14th St. NW. Check out the map we posted earlier. You can clearly see the intersection at 14th and Irving.

Do you recognize the northeast corner of 14th and Irving St. NW in Columbia Heights from the 1920s?
Do you recognize the northeast corner of 14th and Irving St. NW in Columbia Heights from the 1920s?

Source: Library of Congress

Here is the block today on Google Street View.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.