This Buick Motor Company ad from the October 4, 1913 edition of the Washington Times was too good not to post! The Buick Motor Company was located at 1028 Connecticut Ave, NW.

It reads:
How are you going to deliver the goods?
The telephone has made your delivery service the backbone of your business.
Where there is life there is a limit of endurance.
A Buick motor has no limits that a sane driver ever approaches.
Winter is coming on. It means cold, drizzly rains and snow.
It means slush.
It means slippery streets.
It means tied up deliveries. Anybody knows that with horse delivery slippery roads mean light loads and more trips.
With the motor truck, it’s the reverse that’s true. For the heavier the load the better the traction.
The Buick truck is built on two chasses, the smaller of 1,000 pounds capacity, and the larger of 1,500 pounds capacity. It is simple of construction and will stand all kinds of use.
Any man who can drive a horse can drive a Buick truck.
If you aren’t using Buicks you are losing money, and we can prove it. Prices range from $1,100 to $1,350, depending upon the style of the body equipment required.
Oddly, this car sales advertisement sounds kind of similar to car ads we see on TV today – minus the horse references!