A Blast from the Past: A 1939 Advertisement from Acme Markets at 14th and Park Rd. NW

Time-travel back to 1939 and check out this old advertisement from Acme Markets at 14th and Park Rd. NW. Believe it or not, bread was only 7 cents a loaf, and legs of lamb were 20 cents a pound!

Legs of Lamb for 20 cents a pound? Bread at 7 cents a loaf? Those were the good old days. Here’s a really old advertisement that we dug up from December 1st, 1939 for Acme Markets at 14th and Park Rd. NW.

Acme Markets at 1426 Park Rd.
Acme Markets at 1426 Park Rd.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.