Glen Echo Speed Limit in 1905: Six Miles an Hour!

Can you believe that the speed limit in Glen Echo was six miles an hour back in 1905?

Are you kidding me? Some of you can probably run six miles per hour. This is a fun piece that we dug up in the Washington Post from February 4th, 1905. The best part was the lede: “No More Automobile Scorching from Post-office to Cabin John.”

Rockville, Md., Feb. 3–At a meeting of the mayor and council of Glen Echo, this county, held last evening, an ordinance was adopted regulating the speed of automobiles, motor cycles, electric carriages, and all other conveyances not propelled by horses or mules within the corporate limits of that town. The maximum speed is fixed at six miles an hour and the penalty for each violation of the law is from $5 to $25. The Conduit road, a favorite route for automobilists, passes through Glen Echo, and from Glen Echo post-office to Cabin John Bridge, a distance of one mile, has, it is understood, been a popular speed-testing stretch, and the ordinance passed was adopted for the purpose of breaking up this practice.

The mayor and council have appointed Messrs. Joseph Fowler and Louis F. Harbert as town marshals to especially look after the enforcement of this law. They will be mounted on bicycles and will have speed indicators on their machines.

Good thing they’re stopping those Glen Echo speed demons! Conduit Road, by the way, is today’s MacArthur Boulevard.

Happy speeding!

Henry and Edsel Ford in an old Model F circa 1905

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.