Exploring the Smithsonian’s Historic Photos of the West Wing and Washington Monument

Take a trip down memory lane with us as we explore the Smithsonian's archives of historic photos of the West Wing and the Washington Monument. See the stunning photos of DC's past! #Smithsonian #WestWing #WashingtonMonument

Doing a little evening photo surfing and came across this stunning one from the Smithsonian’s archives. The building on the left is the West Wing and the one on the right is the State, War and Navy Building. And off in the distance, is the Washington Monument (of course).

West Executive Ave. and the Washington Monument (1919)
West Executive Ave. and the Washington Monument (1919)

Here’s another one we dug up.

West Wing of the White House with Washington Monument in background
West Wing of the White House with Washington Monument in background

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Ghosts of DC stories.