A Look at the Transformation of the Washington Manual Training High School to the Asbury Dwellings Apartment Building

Take a look at the transformation of Washington Manual Training High School to the Asbury Dwellings Apartment Building in this post. See the 1895 perspective sketch of the school and the current Google Street View of the corner today.

Below is a great drawing of the Washington Manual Training High School around 1895. Today, this building is the Asbury Dwellings apartment building.

Perspective sketch - Washington Manual Training High School, Henry Ives Cobb, Architect (1895-1898)
Perspective sketch – Washington Manual Training High School, Henry Ives Cobb, Architect (1895-1898)

Here is the Google Street View of the same corner today.

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?gl=us&ie=UTF8&ll=38.912274,-77.021863&spn=0.011804,0.022638&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=38.912342,-77.022084&panoid=u1nkd6en4ypw5O3Xvq_V_A&cbp=12,117.04,,0,-7.51&source=embed&output=svembed]

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Ghosts of DC stories.