Election Night: A Look at 1920 and 2008 in Washington DC

Take a look back at Election Night 1920 and 2008 in Washington DC. See photos of the crowds that gathered and experience the elation and relief of change coming to the capital city.

Take a look at the crowd in front of the White House on Election Night 1920. The elation is palpable as the crowd exudes utter joy and relief that eight years of Woodrow Wilson are over and change has come to Washington in the shape of Warren G. Harding.

It was a landslide victory for Harding-Coolidge ticket over James M. Cox and his VP running mate, some dude named Franklin Delano Roosevelt? Really … Delano?

"Election night crowd at White House, November 1920." The chosen one was Warren Harding. National Photo Company glass negative.
“Election night crowd at White House, November 1920.” The chosen one was Warren Harding. National Photo Company glass negative.

The above scene might remind you of something that happened down at the White House on Election Night 2008. Do these scenes look familiar? I know right … creepy. History repeats itself.

White House on Election Night 2008 (Flickr User: Alex Barth)
White House on Election Night 2008 (Flickr User: Alex Barth)
16th St. near Hay Adams on Election Night 2008 (Flickr user: Alex Barth) - BTW: The Ghost of DC is in this photo
16th St. near Hay Adams on Election Night 2008 (Flickr user: Alex Barth) – BTW: The Ghost of DC is in this photo