A Wild Love Triangle: Officer Sprinkle Saves the Day

Officer Sprinkle is a DCPD badass. Read all about his daring rescue of a wild love triangle in the Washington Post on January 31st, 1892. Get a daily dose of DCPD badass Officer Sprinkle and his heroic deeds.
Officer Sprinkle
Officer Sprinkle

Here’s a daily dose of DCPD badass Officer Sprinkle. Do not mess with this guy. He means business. Also, this sounds like a little bit of a salacious love triangle. The following story was published in the Washington Post on January 31st, 1892.

A free fight occurred last night at 932 E street between Capt. Evans, Frank White, a man named Seabright, and Minnie Stoughton. It appears that Capt. Evans was visiting Minnie last evening when Frank White, a former lover of the girl, appeared on the scene. Evans attempted to eject White and a general fight took place. Young Seabright, whose mother runs the house, took a hand and attempted to strike White with an ax. The disturbance caused a large crowd to gather. Officer Sprinkle called the patrol wagon and landed the brawlers at First precinct station.

Evans and White were held, each preferring a charge of assault against the other. The others were released, there not being evidence sufficient to hold them.

Officer Sprinkle always saves the day.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.