The Washington Hilton: Where Jim Morrison, Ray Manzarek, John Densmore and Robby Krieger Played in 1967

The Washington Hilton was a popular place for live music in 1967, with Jim Morrison and The Doors playing there on Thanksgiving. Read more about this historic event and see photos!

The Washington Hilton was a happenin’ place to see live music apparently, with Hendrix also playing there in ’68. Thanksgiving was the following Thursday, so I imagine a large number of kids were home from college, and what better way to take a break than watch Morrison, Manzarek, Densmore and Krieger?

The Doors International Ballroom ticket
Ticket stub for the Doors – November 25th, 1967
The Doors play the Washington Hilton - 1967
The Doors play the Washington Hilton – 1967

Thanks to Google, I found a number of these images here. And if you want to read a ridiculous amount of information about the Doors, go here. The Internet is amazing.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.