Posted In Woodley Park

The Mysterious Ghost of the Dohertys' Suite 870 at the Shoreham Hotel
This is the mysterious story of Henry L. Doherty and his family, who lived in Suite 870 at the Shoreham Hotel. Read the full story, and discover the strange activity that takes place around 4 a.m. in the suite!
The "Rainbow Row" of homes on Cliffbourne Pl. NW
Exploring the History of 2515 Cliffbourne Pl. NW: The Green House in the "Rainbow Row" of Historic Homes
Dive into the history of 2515 Cliffbourne Pl. NW, the green house in the "Rainbow Row" of historic homes. Learn about the Speech Reading Club of Washington, the Queen of the Cherry Blossom Festival, and more!

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Ghosts of DC stories.