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The Royal Visit to the White House in 1960: When Mary Jean Eisenhower Detoured Traffic
In September 1960, the U.S. and Japan celebrated 100 years of diplomatic relations with a state visit. An amusing article was published in the Washington Post detailing the state dinner at the White House, including when Mary Jean Eisenhower detoured traffic. Read the full story here!
Washington National Cathedral at twilight
Three Things That Happened at Washington National Cathedral
Washington National Cathedral at twilight Exactly one year ago today, one of the most spectacular buildings in Washington was badly damaged by the earthquake that shook our city. So much so, that the repairs are going to cost millions of dollars and keep it under scaffolding for several years. If you love this building like we do, consider donating a few bucks to help restore this national treasure. You can give money online, so it’s effortless. And since we love this building so much, we want...
Pennsylvania Ave. film footage
A Rare Look Back in Time - A Film Clip of Pennsylvania Ave. NW Between 10th and 11th Streets Taken in 1909
Check out this incredible GoDCer contribution - a 1909 film clip of Pennsylvania Ave. NW between 10th and 11th Streets. Tom from Bethesda sent this over to share with everyone else. Watch the whole thing and marvel at how chaotic the street scene was back then.
JFK in the Oval Office
Revisiting the Oval Office with John F Kennedy in Rare Old Film Footage (in German)
Relive the days of John F Kennedy in the Oval Office with this rare old film footage. The narration in this clip is in German - revisit the past with JFK and experience a piece of history!
Kennedy and Shermarke in 1962
The Forgotten State Visit Of Prime Minister Shermarke To The White House 361 Days Before Kennedy's Assassination
Discover the forgotten state visit of Dr. Abdirashid Ali Shermarke, Prime Minister of the Somali Republic, to the White House on November 27th, 1962 - 361 days before Kennedy's assassination. View the rare film footage and the gift he gave the President!
Clara Barton's Missing Soldiers Office
The Incredible Story of Clara Barton's Missing Soldiers Office in Washington, DC
Discover the incredible story of Clara Barton's Missing Soldiers Office in Washington, DC. Watch the C-SPAN video to learn how a construction worker discovered the true identity of the building and saved it from demolition.
neon sign Uptown Theater in Cleveland Park (
Unveiling the Uptown Theater: Clark Gable, Star Wars and Jurassic Park
Dive into the history of the Uptown Theater in Cleveland Park - from its opening night with Clark Gable to the chaos of Star Wars and the world premiere of Jurassic Park.
President and Mrs. Kennedy arrive in San Antonio - November 21st, 1963 (Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum)
President Kennedy's Non-Political Texas Trip, Two Days Before He Was Assassinated
On November 20th, 1963, President Kennedy made a 'non-political' trip to Texas, the Vice President's home state. Two days later, he was assassinated. Read more here to learn about the events leading up to his tragic death.
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A 1936 Film Depicts a Day in the Life of Washington During the Great Depression
An incredible find by Brian at National Journal, this 1936 film from the Works Progress Administration depicts a day in the life of Washington during the Great Depression. Read his full piece and follow him on Twitter.
U.S. mail carrier in 1903
A Fascinating Look at the U.S. Mail Delivery in 1903
Take a step back in time and watch this fascinating film from 1903, showing the U.S. mail delivery in rural Washington, D.C. Complete with a postal employee, metal mail box, and a woman purchasing stamps. | Ghosts of DC

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Ghosts of DC stories.