Posted In Ulysses S. Grant

Never-Built Ulysses Grant Memorial Bridge
This most incredible image shows what the Ulysses Grant Memorial Bridge would have liked like today. It would have been where the current Arlington Memorial Bridge is today.
Which President Got a Speeding Ticket on a Horse?
Ulysses Grant was arrested for speeding by William West, an African-American metropolitan policeman. This is a great historical story.
History Behind Lion Statues in House of Cards Opening Credits
What are the lions in the House of Cards credits? They're sitting at the Ulysses Grant Memorial by the Capitol Reflecting Pool.
1873 Inauguration of Ulysses S. Grant
A Look Back at Ulysses S. Grant's 1873 Inauguration: A Print from 1873
Take a look back at Ulysses S. Grant's 1873 Inauguration with this amazing print from 1873. See the event from Pennsylvania Ave. with this incredible image from the Library of Congress.
A 1901 design for the memorial bridge by Edward P. Casey and William H. Burr, accepted by the Secretary of War but never constructed.
Exploring the Unbuilt Ulysses Grant Memorial Bridge: Two More Images
Discover two more images of the proposed Ulysses Grant Memorial Bridge, a bridge that was never built. Explore the story of this bridge and find out why it was never constructed.
Bridge ("Memorial Bridge in honor of U.S. Grant"), Washington, D.C. and Arlington, Virginia. Perspective rendering & section
The Unbuilt Ulysses Grant Memorial Bridge
Memorial Bridge in Arlington was supposed to be a bridge built and dedicated to Ulysses Grant in the 1880s. Alas, that didn't happen.

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