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Posted In Mount Pleasant

homes on Klingle Road - June 16th, 1922 (Washington Post)
Take a Look at This 1922 Ad for a Mt. Pleasant Home in the Washington Post
Take a look at this amazing ad for a Mt. Pleasant home that was published in the Washington Post on June 18th, 1922. See the photo of the homes on Klingle Road that accompanied the ad.
Washington, D.C. Salvage drive, Victory Program. Schoolboy volunteers to go from house to home collecting scrap paper
Schoolboys Collecting Scrap Paper for WW2 Salvage Drive in Mount Pleasant, D.C.
Check out this cool photo from WW2 of schoolboys going door to door collecting scrap paper for a salvage drive in Mount Pleasant, D.C. Learn more about this historic moment captured on Google Street View!
Read This Book: A Neighborhood Guide to Washington, D.C.'s Hidden History
Get the scoop on Washington, D.C.'s less-known historical sites with this book. Learn about the Kennedy-Warren Apartments, Brumidi House, and other fascinating places. If you're a D.C. history nerd, you can't miss this book!
North Columbia Heights development plots
Advertisement for Plots in Columbia Heights in 1902
Discover the 1902 advertisement for plots in Columbia Heights with a great real estate boom and $500,000 investment in houses. Learn about the extended streetcar lines, healthy living environment, and payment options for lots. Explore the impact of Fulton R. Gordon, a major real estate player in D.C.

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