Posted In John Adams

Message of President John Adams nominating George Washington to be Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief of the Armies raised or to be raised in the United States
An Incredible Find: President John Adams' Letter Naming George Washington Lieutenant General
Check out this incredible find! We discovered a letter penned by President John Adams nominating George Washington of Mount Vernon to Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief of All the Armies. Read the full story here!
John Adams nominates John Marshall to become Chief Justice - January 20th, 1801
John Adams' Proudest Act: Nominating John Marshall to Become Chief Justice
Read about John Adams' proudest act: nominating John Marshall to become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Learn more about the historic letter and its significance in this blog post from Ghosts of DC.
Georgetown view in 1801
John Adams Makes Washington, D.C. Official Capital
Why is Washington, DC the capital? John Adams rode from Philadelphia to DC over an entire week. Read the story of his full journey.

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