Explore the past of Eastern Market in Washington, D.C.- from the grand opening in 1873 to the highway bandits and child abductors that have graced its history. Learn more about this iconic market!
Take a journey to the past with this exploration of the historic U.S. Senate Subway in 1915. See the high-resolution version of the photo and share it with your Capitol Hill friends!
Join us on a journey to uncover the mysteries of Weller's Pharmacy on Capitol Hill. Learn about the long-serving druggist who operated the business for decades and the surprising link to the Knights Templar.
This is a horrible story that I came across in the Washington Post. Read this in the context of it being the 1940s because it’s very disturbing. In early June of 1946, the murder of a Don Glendening was front-page news. He was found dead in his apartment on Capitol Hill, having been bludgeoned to by a club. Joseph Sturiale, the son of apartment’s owner, discovered Glendening after he. I can’t imagine a more gruesome and disturbing scene to come upon. On the floor next...
I thought it would be a good to branch out and do a on Eastern High School (check them out on Facebook) near RFK Stadium. It’s a beautiful building at 1700 East Capitol St. NE, originally built in 1923. The original Eastern High School building was building in the 1890s at 7th and C St. SE. This past fall, they started a unique program of enrolling a new ninth grade class, growing the school by one class each year until this incoming class of 300 freshman graduates in 2015. So, the next “If...
Explore the mystery of the triple homicide at the National Capital Brewery in the fall of 1912. Read the article and follow the clues to discover the gruesome details of the murder-suicide of Arthur A. Webster and Lennte L. Jette.