Posted In Andrew Jackson

Brown's Indian Queen Hotel
The Fascinating History of Brown's Indian Queen Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue
Explore the fascinating history of Brown's Indian Queen Hotel, a once-stately hotel on Pennsylvania Ave. in D.C. Learn about the hotel's notable guests, historic events and the "Star-Spangled Banner" first sung there in 1814.
Palo Alto Hotel and Saloon - September 19th, 1899
The History of the Cocktail and the Palo Alto Tavern: Where It All Began
Discover the history of the cocktail and its connection to the old Palo Alto Tavern in Bladensburg, Maryland. Learn about the famous guests, the cocktail's claimed birthplace, and the duel that was responsible for its invention.
William Stickney residence in the 1870s. William leading against building (source:
Exploring the Stickney House: A Look Back at a Lost D.C. Gem
Take a look back at the Stickney House, a lost D.C. gem. Read about William Stickney, the prominent Washington figure who commissioned the home, the people who lived there and its tragic demise.

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