Posted In 1920s

11th and L St. NW in the 1920s
A Tale of Two Cities: Comparing a 1920s Photo of Washington D.C. to Today's Google Street View
Take a look at this side-by-side comparison of a 1920s photo of Washington D.C. from L St. NW and what the same area looks like today on Google Street View. See how the city has changed!
Griffith Stadium from the air in 1925
We Finally Found a High-Res Image of Griffith Stadium
Searching for a high-res image of Griffith Stadium? We found one at the National Archives. Check it out and learn more about the history of Griffith Stadium with GhostsofDC.
Chevy Chase home at 4104 Harrison St. NW
Exploring a 1923 Chevy Chase Home Through Real Estate Advertisements and Google Street View
Take a trip back in time and explore a 1923 Chevy Chase home through real estate advertisements and Google Street View. See what the home looked like nearly a century ago!
Washington, D.C., circa 1927. Nature Magazine -- Walter Layman. (Colorized Photo).
Two New Colorized Photos to Identify the Location of a 1927 Image
Discover two new colorized photos from 1927. See if you can identify the buildings in the background and pinpoint the location! Spend at least an hour of your morning on this awesome image from Pinterest.
Parking map of the congested area of Washington, D.C. (1922)
A Fascinating Map of D.C. Showing Where You Could and Could Not Park in 1922
Take a look at this fascinating map of Washington, D.C. from 1922, showing where you could and could not park in the congested city. Click on it to zoom in on the details. Source: Library of Congress.
Washington, D.C., circa 1922. "Star Building from air." The Washington Star newspaper building at the center is at the intersection of 11th Street N.W. and Pennsylvania Avenue, which runs diagonally across the photo. The big building with the tower us the Old Post Office. There's a lot to see here, including laundry hung out to dry. National Photo Company glass negative
Take a Closer Look: Incredible Details of City from 1922
Take an incredible look at the details of a city from 1922. Click the photo to see the amazing sights and learn more about this historic time. Don't miss it!
Washington, D.C., circa 1925. "Irish Free State legation, Florida Avenue." Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative.
Russia House used to be the Irish Free State Legation
Get a glimpse of the beautiful Russia House building in Washington D.C, from a 1925 photo to how it looks today on Google Street View. Learn more about this majestic building!
Amphibian aircraft on reflecting pool in front of Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C. in 1923. (Harris & Ewing / Library of Congress)
An Unbelievable Photo from 1923: An Amphibian Aircraft on the Reflecting Pool in Front of the Lincoln Memorial
What an unbelievable photo from 1923! An amphibian aircraft sits on the reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial. See the amazing image and find out more about this unique and fascinating moment in history.
1921 aerial view of Washington, D.C.
Recognizing Washington, D.C. from an Aerial View in 1921
Take a look at this 1921 aerial view of Washington, D.C. and see if you can recognize any of the landmarks. Click on it for a larger, more detailed version.
Washington Monument in 1928
A Journey Through Time: An Iconic 1928 Photograph of the Washington Monument
Take a journey back in time to 1928 and view an iconic photograph of the Washington Monument. This remarkable image captures the timeless appeal of the monument and serves as a reminder of America's rich history.

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Ghosts of DC stories.