Posted In 1920s

Washington, D.C., 1920. "Gripp, Mathew, [Nathan] Lahn, Troske -- Gallaudet U." Gridiron stars of the first college for the deaf, credited with inventing the football huddle in the 1920s as a way to keep its signed plays secret.
Uncovering History: How the Gallaudet University Football Team Invented the Football Huddle in the 1920s
Uncovering history: the Gallaudet University football team invented the huddle in the 1920s as a way to keep their signed plays secret. Learn more about the four players from the 1920 Gallaudet University football squad that made history.
"Election night crowd at White House, November 1920." The chosen one was Warren Harding. National Photo Company glass negative.
Election Night: A Look at 1920 and 2008 in Washington DC
Take a look back at Election Night 1920 and 2008 in Washington DC. See photos of the crowds that gathered and experience the elation and relief of change coming to the capital city.
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A Glimpse Into the Past: Park View in 1924, Captured Just Before Thanksgiving
Take a step back in time to Park View in 1924, captured just before Thanksgiving. See the man searching for the perfect bird for the family feast in this National Photo Company Collection glass negative.
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A Look Back at President Calvin Coolidge and the Boy Scouts of America at the White House
Take a look back at President Calvin Coolidge and the Boy Scouts of America at the White House on May 1, 1926. See the historic photo of the event on
Catholic University basketball team in 1923
The 1923 Catholic University Basketball Team - A Photo from the Old Gymnasium
View a photo of the 1923 Catholic University basketball team taken in the old gymnasium, now the school of architecture, according to Shorpy. Learn more about the photo and its history.
The Washington Herald - December 20th, 1920
A Look Back at The Washington Herald from December 20th, 1920: The "Merchant of Venice" and a Mardi Gras-themed Inaugural Ball
Take a look back to December 20th, 1920 with this page from The Washington Herald. Learn about the "Merchant of Venice" performed by Gonzaga students and the Mardi Gras-themed inaugural ball for Warren G. Harding.
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GoDCers Love Maps: U St. in 1921
Explore a piece of history with us in this "GoDCers Love Maps" feature. We're taking a look at U St. back in 1921. Learn more about the area and check out the photo!
Silver Spring, Maryland, circa 1927. National Photo glass negatives marked "Jordan & Co." Among the new construction shown here is a National Guard armory. National Photo Company Collection.
Silver Spring, Maryland in 1927: The National Guard Armory that is Still There Today!
Check out this amazing building in Silver Spring, Maryland! Built in 1927, the National Guard Armory is still standing today. Take a look at the photo and map to learn more about this amazing structure.
Arlington Bathing Beach in 1923
Uncovering the Lost History of Arlington Beach – A Photo Journey Through Time
Explore the lost history of Arlington Beach in the 1920s, with stunning photos from the National Photo Company Collection. See kids playing at the amusement park, near the Pentagon today, in 1925 and 1923.
November 24, 1924. Washington, D.C. "Bonus Bureau, Computing Division. Many clerks figure the amount of the bonus each veteran is entitled to."
This is What High-Powered Computing Looked Like in 1924: Crowdsourcing Before it Existed
Take a look back in time to 1924 and discover the crowdsourcing of high-powered computing operations before it even had a name. Learn the story of the Bonus Bureau Computing Division and their incredible work.

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Ghosts of DC stories.