Posted In 1890s

Eastern High School, 1700 E St. NE (Wikipedia)
Eastern High School: History of The Pride of Capitol Hill
I thought it would be a good to branch out and do a on Eastern High School (check them out on Facebook) near RFK Stadium. It’s a beautiful building at 1700 East Capitol St. NE, originally built in 1923. The original Eastern High School building was building in the 1890s at 7th and C St. SE. This past fall, they started a unique program of enrolling a new ninth grade class, growing the school by one class each year until this incoming class of 300 freshman graduates in 2015. So, the next “If...
Palisades of the Potomac (1890)
Exploring the Palisades of the Potomac (1890)
Explore the Palisades of the Potomac, a beautiful neighborhood located at the edge of the District of Columbia that was home to some of the wealthiest Washingtonians in the late 19th century. Learn more by viewing the 1890 advertisement!
Queen Liliuokalani, last royal ruler of Hawaii (1917)
Hawaiian ex-Queen Liliʻuokalani Comes to Washington
Hawaiian ex-Queen Liliʻuokalani brings her spirit of aloha to Washington, captivating hearts with her grace and resilience. A tale of royalty and cultural heritage unfolds.
Popular Lieutenant Sprinkle of the 5th precinct (1914)
Officer Sprinkle: Captured Geronimo, Accused Bootlegger, and Bodyguard to President Wilson
A couple of reader comments about an Officer Sprinkle in this earlier post piqued my interest in finding out a little more about the guy who has the kind of name you’d give to a cat. An unforgettable name, so hopefully I’ll be able to dig up enough information on this guy to write a post worthy of being “A Personal Story.” Joshua Sprinkle – Boyd Joshua L. Sprinkle was born July 7th, 1864 in Ohio, just south of Columbus (the 1900 Census incorrectly listed his place of...
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Exploring the Streets of Swampoodle in 1895: A Column From the Washington Post
Take a step back in time to 1895 and explore the rough Irish immigrant neighborhood of Swampoodle. Read a column from the Washington Post that tells the story of three locals who boozed until the wee hours of the morning.
Exploring the History of 1019 U Street NW in Washington DC, Home of Corte Salon
Corte Salon is a great place to get a haircut, but did you know that its building has seen its fair share of history? Learn more about the history of 1019 U Street NW in Washington DC, home to Corte Salon.
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Faces of Yesterday - Dime Messenger Service Boys of D.C. 1912: The Case of Frank Rowler and Michael McDonald
This article looks back to January 11th, 1892, when Frank Rowler, a messenger boy, was assaulted by a man named Howard. Michael McDonald, a bystander, was so angry that he hit Howard a terrible blow, leading to his arrest. This paints a picture of a rougher town in a rougher time, without the use of guns.
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The Washington & Great Falls Electric Railway Line ("Cabin John Trolley") from Georgetown
Discover the history of the Washington & Great Falls Electric Railway Line ("Cabin John Trolley") from Georgetown in this video. Learn more about the line, acquired by the Washington Railway and Electric Company in 1902, and how it was dismantled in the 1960s.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.