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Picture of Daniel Chester French in his studio with Lincoln Memorial statue in the background
The Story Behind the Lincoln Memorial Statue: Daniel Chester French and Ambrose Swasey
Discover the story behind the iconic Lincoln Memorial Statue in Washington DC. Learn how Daniel Chester French and Ambrose Swasey created the beloved statue, which has stood in the Lincoln Memorial since 1922.
The Ford Model T Torpedo Runabout: An Affordable Classic Car
The Ford Model T Torpedo Runabout was an affordable classic car produced by the Ford Motor Company from 1911 to 1912. It featured a distinctive body style, a 2.9-liter inline-four engine, and a two-speed planetary transmission. Now a valuable collector's item, the Torpedo Runabout is a classic car enthusiast's dream.
1906 photo of the Government Printing Office
The Government Printing Office: World's Largest Printing Office in 1916
Learn about the impressive Government Printing Office, once the world's largest printing office in 1916. Explore the documents, photos and history of the GPO, and its role in making US diplomatic relations more transparent.
The Evening Star: A Look at the Day After President Lincoln's Assassination
On April 15, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. On the same day, The Evening Star newspaper was published, featuring a "Special Notice" that is as interesting as anything that could be published today. Take a look at the newspaper, the day after the assassination.
The Senators greet the World Bank
The Story of World Bank President Eugene Black's Annual Baseball Outings with World Bank Staff
Discover the story of World Bank President Eugene Black's annual baseball outings with World Bank staff, which began in 1950 and continued through at least 1962. Learn more about this early example of "baseball diplomacy" and see photos of the Washington Senators greeting the World Bank staff.
1963 March on Washington site map
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom: A Look Back at the Liquor Ban on August 28, 1963
Learn about the liquor ban enacted on August 28, 1963 to mark the historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Discover what Washingtonians were told about traffic, transit, telework, and more for the momentous event.
The Lee House
The Mourning of Mary Lincoln: Elizabeth Blair Lee's Story of Support
Learn about Elizabeth Blair Lee's story of support for Mary Lincoln and her family in the wake of Abraham Lincoln's assassination. Through letters, Elizabeth's wry commentary and devotion to her husband are revealed.
Hanging at Ft. Granger of William O Williams and Gip Peters Harper’s Weekly July 4 1863
The Story of William Orton Williams and Walter Gibson "Gip" Peter: Two Relatives of Robert E. Lee Who Were Hanged as Spies
Learn the story of William Orton Williams and Walter Gibson "Gip" Peter, two relatives of Robert E. Lee who were hanged as spies. This guest post is an excerpt from Canden Schwantes' book "Wicked Georgetown: Scoundrels, Sinners and Spies".
Uline Arena
Unexpected DC History Goes Unnoticed at a Parking Garage
Dive into the unexpected DC history found at a parking garage! In this post, explore the Uline Ice Arena and its transformation over the years, from a venue for Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey circus to a site for the Beatles' first American concert.
National Bohemian advertisement from 1955
How Beer and Baseball Have Been Inseparable Since the 1940s
Discover the long-standing relationship between beer and baseball, from the famous Yankee homerun calls to the unfortunate incident that caused a local brewery to cancel its sponsorship of a 1940s team. Read on to find out more!

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