In 1946, three men jumped to their deaths off three bridges in Washington, DC. Learn more about their tragic stories, from their family's perspective and the details of the day, in this blog post.
Three stories about the Washington Monument, including a woman jumping down the elevator shaft, a baseball thrown from the top, and a sniper shooting and killing a bomber.
In 1893, a man made a wager with other laborers that he could drink a quart of gin in one "pull" out of the bottle. It was a tragic mistake, and he died from his foolhardiness. Learn more about this story from GhostsofDC.
A horrific air disaster occurred on November 1st, 1949 near National Airport. An inbound passenger flight from Boston collided with a small military plane, killing everyone on board.
This is a horrible story that I came across in the Washington Post. Read this in the context of it being the 1940s because it’s very disturbing. In early June of 1946, the murder of a Don Glendening was front-page news. He was found dead in his apartment on Capitol Hill, having been bludgeoned to by a club. Joseph Sturiale, the son of apartment’s owner, discovered Glendening after he. I can’t imagine a more gruesome and disturbing scene to come upon. On the floor next...
This photo of two children playing with fake guns at Woodrow Wilson High School during World War II is a shocking reminder of how kids emulate what they see. Learn more about this scene taken in 1943.
Herbert Bell was the unfortunate victim of a railroad accident in 1912. He attempted suicide in 1914 due to his inability to earn a living, but was later able to find success as a bicycle acrobat. Read the full story here.
Discover the 1911 story of Fort Myer, in Arlington, VA being used as a movie set for silent films. Murders, trains held up, and helpless women robbed - but it's just moving pictures! Learn more about this amazing story.
I have no story to go with it, but here is a photo from 1922 of the naked 'what?' girl. I found it on Shorpy and I think the photo speaks for itself. Share it on Facebook - it's definitely worth it!