This great old advertisement from The Washington Times was printed on Sunday May 31st, 1903. In May 1903, the world was witnessing significant changes and progress. The early 20th century marked a period of rapid industrialization and urbanization, as cities expanded, and new technologies emerged. It was an era of innovation, with the Wright brothers successfully flying the Wright Flyer for the first time just a few months earlier in December 1903.

Source: Library of Congress
Here’s an excerpt from the piece above.
Chevy Chase is purely a social and residential section. No industries are permitted to cast the blight of unattractive or ugly shops and buildings upon the general artistic plan of the suburb. But this lack of stores makes no inconvenience to housewives, for the installation of the city telephone system, the delivery wagons in vogue among the urban dealers, and an efficient and punctual car service provides any such possibility.