When Did the Howard Theatre Open?

The Apollo in New York, the Pearl in Philadelphia, the Uptown in Baltimore, and the Howard Theatre in Washington were the preeminent African-American venues for stars like Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, and the big bands of the 1930s to rock and roll and the Motown sound.

“Over one thousand of Washington’s elite attending opening performance … Audience one of the most brilliant ever seen at theatre in nation’s capital … best appointed theatre of its kind in the country.” These are quotes from The Baltimore Afro-American, printed on August 27th, 1910.

The theatre cost $100,000 to construct and was “the largest colored theatre in the world.” It opened to rave reviews on August 22nd, 1910.

Washington, August 23d–Before an audience that packed the enclosure from one end to the other, so that standing room was at a premium, the much-talked of Howard Theatre opened its doors for its initial performance last night. Long before noon every ticket had been sold and at night fully five thousand persons gathered around the entrance and clamored for admission. Whshington [sic] society was out in full, and the many magnnificient [sic] gowns worn by the ladies, made a scene seldom witnessed even in this city of brilliant functions.

The Howard Theatre was erected at a cost of $100,000 by the National Amusement Company, in which most of the money is furnished by Baltimore capitalists, and is the finest theatre in the country catering principally to colored people. The inside is beautifully decorated and frescoed and will easily accommodate one thousand people. In the centre of the ceiling is a fine painting, representing Spring. The droy curtain is also finely decorated with a painting of a snug little bay scene, in which the tall spires of sity [sic] church steeples can be seen in the far background. There are three boxes on either side of the stage. Taken as a whole the little playhouse presents a far more cost appearance than many of those in which colored patrons are forced to take the last three rows in the gallery.

All the colored shows that heretofore been compelled to play in third-rate theatres or stay away from this city, will be seen this winter at the Howard, and white actors of note will appear there.

The audience that attended last night was in a rare good humor, and every one of the performers on the lengthy and well balanced vaudeville bill received a full share of applause. The headliners honors were about equally shared by the Pekin Trio and Miss Abbie Mitchell. Both of these numbers responded to several encores. Miss Mitchell sand among other numbers “The Red, Red Rose” the song with which she made such a hit while leading lady for Cole and Johnson a few seasons ago.

Before the performance, Judge Robert Terrell made a neat address in which he praised highly the men who made the theatre possible. He said that theatres where colored people were accorded every privilege were very scarce, and when one is started for their benefit it should be patronized by every lover of race endeavor. Others who made short addresses were Auditor of the Treasury Ralph Tyler, and City Councilman Harry Cummings. Mr. Cummings said the Howard theatre was a wedge that would break down the barriers of prejudice in other theaters.

Among the Baltimoreans who witnessed the performance were: Messrs. William H. Daly, John Rich, Henry Jenkins and Charles Carroll.

Sorry for the typos, but that’s how the article was written.

It’s wonderful to see such a historically significant theatre gain a second life. I’m also excited to be attending the grand opening this evening with a performance by the grandmaster of funk himself, George Clinton.

Statue of Duke Ellington outside Howard Theatre
Statue of Duke Ellington outside Howard Theatre
Howard Theatre
Howard Theatre

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