Amazing 1870s Railroad Photos of Washington

These 1870s photos are incredible, showing the District just following the Civil War. Click on them for more details.

We came across some cool old photographs of the District from just after the Civil War. Check these out. And when you’re done, take a look at the amazing old image we found of Baltimore’s Camden Station for Ghosts of Baltimore.

Description: This is an albumen print from the book Photographic Views of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, and Its Branches, From The Lakes to The Sea, which is illustrated with images of attractions found along the route of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad between Baltimore and Chicago.
This is an albumen print from the book Photographic Views of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, and Its Branches, From The Lakes to The Sea, which is illustrated with images of attractions found along the route of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad between Baltimore and Chicago. Source: SMU Digital Libraries
This is an albumen print from the book Photographic Views of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, and Its Branches, From The Lakes to The Sea, which is illustrated with images of attractions found along the route of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad between Baltimore and Chicago.
Description: This is an albumen print from the book Photographic Views of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, and Its Branches, From The Lakes to The Sea, which is illustrated with images of attractions found along the route of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad between Baltimore and Chicago. Source: SMU Digital Libraries

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