A Look Back at Washington, D.C. in 1921 – The 400 Block of 11th St. NW

Take a look back at Washington, D.C. in 1921 with this incredible photo of the 400 Block of 11th St. NW. You'll notice the YMHA (Young Men's Hebrew Association) building in this shot. Source: Library of Congress.

How cool is this photo of D.C. from 1921. You’ll notice that the YMHA (Young Men’s Hebrew Association) building is in this too. This is the 400 block of 11th St. NW.

Washington, D.C., 1921. "National Fruit Co." Out-of-town bananas and news. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.
Washington, D.C., 1921. “National Fruit Co.” Out-of-town bananas and news. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.

Source: Library of Congress

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