Engravings of the President’s House and the Capitol Building Following the Burning of Washington in 1814

Explore these amazing engravings of the President's House and the Capitol Building following the Burning of Washington on August 24, 1814. The engravings were done by William Strickland and depict the destruction caused by the British attack and subsequent tornado.

Below are two amazing engravings of the President’s House and the Capitol Building following the Burning of Washington on August 24, 1814. The engravings were done by William Strickland. The British marched on Washington and attacked the city, but were ordered to only attack public buildings. After their attack, a tornado tore through Washington, bringing rains that helped stop the fires and ended any further destruction by the British.

Engraving of the Capitol after it was burned in August 1814
Engraving of the Capitol after it was burned in August 1814
Engraving of the White House after it was burned in August 1814
Engraving of the White House after it was burned in August 1814

Source: Library of Congress (Presidents House), Library of Congress (Capitol)

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